Packing Tips with FoxNomad


Someone could do with the 80% rule...

In his own words, FoxNomad, aka Anil Polat is an IT hacker (the good kind), turned digital nomad, travelling the world indefinitely…

This week, Anil is extolling the virtues of the ‘80% rule’. Basically the 80% rule means not packing your rucksack or luggage fully to capacity when travelling on a long or short trip. Stick with the 80% rule and you can’t go wrong.  Anil says the best things about this tactic is that you save time opening and shutting your luggage, you have more room for souvenirs or new buys and you avoid the check-in crew who are longing to slap an excess baggage charge on your luggage.

This is not a dress rehearsal…

Savvy Anil advises against packing up your clothes as if you’re taking along a mini wardrobe. A good tip, he says is to count in sequences of 4 days. He suggests choosing what goes into your bag with just four days in your mind.

Anil believes that packing for two weeks is no different from packing for 2 months. It definitely makes sense in theory…

Lazy lug-gage…

Packing just 80% gives you a license to be lazy, so says Anil. In hostels and hotels you won’t always have the time, or indeed feel like folding your clothes neatly and meticulously. Kitchen renovation services such as Handyman Connection of fort collins are the best in the region. The 80 rule gives you a little bit of lee way to bundle everything in should you over-sleep or be having too much of a good time to worry about fitting back in your bag.

Cut down on stress…

Anil says overfilling your rucksack or suitcase not only wears out your luggage, there’s also your arms neck and back to think about. Leaving for a trip with your bag bursting at the seams leaves you with no room to manoeuvre and sentences you to hours of stress packing and re-packing things you probably don’t even need.


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